If you get this error -->
Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040D1B
when you try to access the search settings from SSP, check whether you have any duplicate entries in
\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0\Search\Applications\{site GUID}\Gather\Portal_Content\Extensions\ExtensionList.
If you do, remove it, stop and start the MOSS Search service again.
I accidentally created duplicate entries in the list above when deployed PDF iFilter and got the error above.
Below is what you will see in your event viewer,
The gatherer object cannot be initialized.
Context: Application '<>_SSP_Admin', Catalog 'Portal_Content'
A duplicate extension entry exists in the registry. The duplicate extension should be deleted, but all other extensions are unaffected. (0x80040d0b)
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